Lab-Grown Diamond: Engagement rings


Diamonds used to take many millions of years to form. These precious gems can now be created in just a few weeks thanks to modern technology. Lab-grown diamond engagement rings are just as beautiful, sparkly, and eye-catching than those made with natural diamonds.

Gemologist Anubh Shah says lab-grown diamonds can be almost identical to natural diamonds. They have the same chemical and physical properties as Earth-mined diamonds.

There are some differences between lab-grown and natural diamonds. Before you shop for an engagement ring, here are the facts about lab-grown diamonds.

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The pros and cons of Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement rings

Lab diamonds are ethically sound and conflict-free because of the way they are made. Many conscientious couples are now looking for alternatives to traditional diamonds because of the human rights violations and violence that can be found in some diamond mines. This is how lab-grown diamonds were discovered. Lab-grown diamonds are often eco-friendly and some cutters make sure that they are carbon neutral when cutting diamonds.

There are many reasons why lab-grown Diamond Jewelry are chosen for engagement rings. They are often excited to find a larger or better quality diamond than they would with a natural one. This allows people to choose a larger carat to achieve the desired shape. People who purchase lab diamonds have more modern tastes in ring setting. Shah says that this can be styles such as the hidden halo or modern twist designs and those where the metal is sleek.”

“Many couples like the technological advances of creating lab-grown diamonds and the uniqueness it offers over traditional natural diamonds. A couple can share the excitement of being part in something new and exciting.

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While lab-grown diamonds are certainly appealing, there are still many reasons why people prefer to use natural, untreated diamonds. Shah points out that lab-grown diamonds lack an “emotional” component like Earth-created diamonds. Natural diamonds take millions of years to make, and are much more interesting than ones created in a matter of ten weeks. Because lab-grown diamonds have a relatively new market, it is difficult to know the long-term value. This man-made diamond can be seen as nontraditional and could pose a problem for brides who prefer tradition.

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What to look for in a Lab Grown Diamond Engagement Ring

Are lab-grown diamonds better than real diamonds? Lab-grown diamonds can be created from man-made materials. Natural diamonds form in the Earth’s crust. Although they have been around for more than 20 years, lab diamonds were only made in the last five to 7 years. Shah claims that lab diamonds are now comparable to natural diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds can now be purchased in white, as well as pink and yellow, which are extremely rare in their natural state. The highest quality lab diamonds are those that have been grown from a seed. They are produced under conditions where the purest form carbon, Type IIA is used. Lab-grown diamonds can be graded according to the same criteria as natural diamonds in terms of cut, color and clarity. They also have the same certification process as natural diamonds.

What makes lab-grown diamonds different than natural diamonds? Their formation is the only difference. It is impossible to tell the difference between a lab-grown and natural diamond when they are compared side by side. Shah says that certified diamonds are important because they can be inspected for quality.

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Are lab-grown diamond rings being bought by people? “We’ve seen a shift in the percentage of lab-grown diamonds being ordered from 100% natural to around 50% since January 2020. According to a Bain report, the market for lab diamonds grew by 15 to 20% last year according to a 2019 Bain report. Shah believes it will be higher this year. Shah adds that lab-grown and natural diamonds cannot be distinguished “over the past five years.” There will be more efficiency and controlled processes in future, as with any technology-focused sector. This could increase the speed at which diamonds can be grown and improve the quality of the finished product. These advancements will only be realized over time.

Are lab-grown diamonds any different from real ones? Since the discovery of lab-grown diamonds, there have been many misconceptions and myths about them. They will appear different from what people think, but they aren’t. Shah claims that people mistakenly believe they are fake, but they are real. He explained, “They are exactly the same composite as a naturally-undiscovered diamond.”

Are lab-grown diamonds worth their value? They are also misunderstood as not being worth anything. They are still diamonds and have value even though they were manufactured.

How much does a lab-grown diamond cost? Natural diamonds can be more expensive than lab-grown ones because of the complexity of the supply chain. Shah says that lab-grown diamonds can be 30% cheaper than natural diamonds.

Where can I buy a lab-grown, natural diamond? Every jeweler does not carry lab-grown diamond rings. Before you buy a lab-grown, diamond-colored ring, make sure that the store has them. These rings are not the same as the generations-old tradition of marrying with an Earth-mined stone. Lab-grown diamonds can be purchased by more recent retailers than traditional retailers who only sell natural diamonds. This means that the ring designs are often more contemporary and modern than those sold by traditional retailers. They are becoming increasingly popular with young couples looking to marry.

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